The SFB short film:

About property in transition and the work of the SFB.

This film is the work of Catharina Göldner and Katharina Hamann.

The members of the Collaborative Research Centre in summer 2023

Image: Marlen van den Ecker

Welcome to the website of the Collaborative Research Centre TRR 294 "Structural Change of Property"!

The Collaborative Research Centre pursues the goal of investigating the fundamental structural change of property that could be observed at the latest since 1989.  The Collaborative Research Centre contains a total of 23 subprojects at five locations in Germany: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Sprecher*innenhochschule), Universität Erfurt, Freie Universität BerlinCarl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Technische Universität Darmstadt.

While private property has gained in importance worldwide since 1989 under conditions of increasing concentration and deregulation, the resulting property system has proved to be both crisis-prone and highly controversial in the face of new economic, political and technological challenges. It isn´t challenged only by the global financial and economic crises, but also by political conflicts over the appropriation, distribution and containment of private property, as well as by the dynamics of the knowledge and bio-economies, which are linked to alternative concepts of common property, shared use and free access to resources.


Event information

From 25 to 26 November, the Sharing Symposium “Mit Hochschulen auf dem Weg zur sozial-ökologischen Transformation” will take place, which is organized by the transfer project Nucleus Jena in cooperation with the CRC “Structural Change of Property”, in particular the project C06. Christoph Henning, Bettina Hollstein, Tilman Reitz, Helen Bönnighausen, Malte Janzig and Jörg Oberthür will also be represented with contributions and lectures.

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The SFB-movie series Eigentum im Blick is back on October 22

As before, the series will bring the debate on property issues to the screen once a month and show a movie about conflicts over property, current dynamics of change and possible alternatives. A member of the SFB will introduce the film and be available for a discussion at the end. 

Next Tuesday, October 22, at 8 pm, we will be showing the film DAS SCHMUCKSTÜCK (France, 2010). The film will be introduced by Dirk Schuck (A03).


Movie Lichter der Straße at DOK Leipzig

Director Anna Friedrich curated and documented the cultural programme of the Nomadism Conference, which was organized by the SFB's A03 project in July 2022. Now her documentary film is being released, in which she accompanies four women who are nomadic in Germany. The movie Lichter der Straße will premiere at the Leipzig International Festival for Documentary and Animated Film.

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Volkshaus; Jena

International Annual Conference "Beyond (Private) Property"

At the conference in Jena, we will discuss different forms of ownership that cannot be reduced to private property - which is dominant in modern societies - and ask about possibilities for organizing social relations in a non-property form or beyond private property. The programme is available here.

JenTower; Jena

Workshop: Pragmatistische Perspektiven: Das Eigentum und seine praktischen Folgen

Der Workshop wird vom Projekt A06 organisiert. Um Anmeldung unter wird gebeten. Das genaue Programm folgt in Kürze an dieser Stelle.
JenTower; Jena

Changing property and gender relations

The all-day, SFB-internal workshop is organized by subproject B06. It is dedicated to collecting and reflecting on the results of the first funding phase of the CRC/Transregio 294 on the topic of property and gender relations. Based on the concrete findings of various sub-projects, the aim is to develop theses on the reciprocal relationships between property and gender. In addition, the focus will be on discussing the further development of this topic in the upcoming funding phase.
The event will be organized by Kathrin Leuze, Sylka Scholz, Robin K. Saalfeld and Agnieszka Althaber (all Friedrich Schiller University Jena). Participation is open to all. Please register with Katrin Töpel by November 15, 2024 at: