Prof. Dr. Matthias Groß

A picture of Prof. Dr. Matthias Groß.



Academic publications
  • Sonnberger, M.; Pfeiffer, M.; Groß, M. (2024): “Who owns the wind? Understanding wind energy production through a property chains perspective”, In: Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space
  • Sonnberger, Marco; Bleicher, Alena; Groß, Matthias (eds.) (2024): Handbuch Umweltsoziologie. 2., second edition, fully revised and expanded. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
  • Paasche, Hendrik; Gross, Matthias; Lüttgau, Jakob; Greenberg, David S. and Weigel, Tobias (2022): “To the Brave Scientists: Aren't We Strong Enough to Stand (and Profit from) Uncertainty in Earth System Measurement and Modelling?”, In: Geoscience Data Journal 9 (2), 393-399. DOI: 10.1002/gdj3.132.
  • Gross, Matthias; Sonnberger, Marco (2022): “Making the Most of Failure and Uncertainty: Welcome Surprises and Contingency in Energy Transition Research”, In: Energies 15: 6649.
  • Otto, Danny; Maria Pfeiffer, Mariana de Brito, and Matthias Gross (2022): “Fixed Amidst Change: 20 Years of Media Coverage on Carbon Capture and Storage in Germany”, In: Sustainability 14 (12): 7342. DOI: 10.3390/su14127342.
  • Martin, David; Gross, Matthias (2019): “Futurizing Politics and the Sustainability of Real-world Experiments: What Role for Innovation and Exnovation in the German Energy Transition?”, In: Sustainability Science 14 (4), 991-1000.
  • Gross, Matthias; Tironi, Manuel (2017): “Experimentando con la tierra: Geotermia, no-conocimiento y transiciones energéticas como experimentos a la intemperie”, In: Revista Internacional de Sociología 75 (4), 1-12.
  • Bleicher, A., Gross, Matthias (2016): “Geothermal heat pumps and the vagaries of subterranean geology: Energy independence at a household level as a real world experiment”, In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 64, 279-288.
  • Bleicher, Alena und Matthias Gross (2015): “User Motivation, Energy Prosumers and Regional Diversity: Sociological Notes on using Shallow Geothermal Energy”, In: Geothermal Energy 3 (1), 1-12.
  • Gross, Matthias; Mautz, Rüdiger (2015): Renewable Energies, London: Routledge.
Media and podcasts
  • Gross, Matthias; Pfeiffer, Maria; Horn, Daniel; Sonnberger, Marco (2022): “Blowing in the wind turbines”, In: blog of the Collaborative Research Centre “Structural Change of Property”. (published on 17.03.2022)
