
The SFB in the media

Felix Krämer was a guest on the hsozkult-Podcast on the topic of “Racial Capitalism”. The concept of “Racial Capitalism” is an attempt to understand the history of capitalism also as a history of racially structured inequality - not only, but especially in the USA.

The SFB in the media

In the current episode of aspekte “Was für ein Verhältnis zur Natur brauchen wir?”, Tilo Wesche argues that nature should be granted or guaranteed the rights of a legal subject. His new book on the rights of nature (“Die Rechte der Natur. Vom nachhaltigen Eigentum”) will be published by Suhrkamp Verlag.

New podcast episode Appropriate

In the new episode, a conversation with Vera Smirnova discusses the topic of property and territory from a Russian perspective.

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International annual conference “Conflicts over Property”

The current programme of the annual conference, as well as the registration are now online.

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Conference presentation

Petra Gümplova gives a presentation “Governing global commons for global public good” at the conference “Braga Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy” (15-16.06.23), in the panel “Under extreme circumstances. Historical and normative perspectives on the public interest in times of emergency”.

Solomon Benjamin as guest at SFB

The SFB welcomes Solomon Benjamin to his Mercator Fellowship. In the next few days, two events will take place as part of this fellowship. On 13 June, a methods workshop will be held with him (in Erfurt) and on 20 June, a Brown Bag Lecture (in Jena) will be held with him. Furthermore, he will participate in the colloquium programme in the coming weeks.

The SFB in the media

Marlen van den Ecker was a guest on the Tagesschau Zukunfts podcast “Leben im Metaverse? Was dann?”. In the podcast episode, a thought experiment is conducted in which the possibilities, but also the problems of the metaverse are presented.

In discussion with Cecilia Rikap

Cecilia Rikap was a guest at the SFB as a Mercator Fellow. We talked to her about property and her research.


Lecture: “Crisis and Consciousness in Communicative Capitalism”

As part of the Marxist Labour Week anniversary, Jodi Dean will give a talk on 23.05.2023 (06:00 p.m.) in which she will talk about the systemic crisis of capitalism. The event will be held in English. For more information, please see the flyer.

The SFB in the media

Carsten Herrmann-Pillath has published a guest article in the Frankfurter Rundschau on “Nutzen wir die Freiheit”. He argues that a productivity boost through AI opens up the opportunity to realise an unconditional basic income for all.


Event report

The conference report on the event “Transformations of Property in Post-Socialist Eastern Europe: Reconfigurations of Ownership and Alternatives to Private Property” by subproject B07 has been published on H-Soz-Kult and is available under the following link.

Job advertisement

In the subproject B04, there is a vacancy for a research assistant for a limited period of 6 months from 01.07.2023. The application deadline is 14.05.2023. For further information, please see the following link.

Cecilia Rikap as guest at SFB

The SFB welcomes Cecilia Rikap for her Fellowship. In the next few days, two events will take place within the framework of this fellowship. On 02 May a training workshop will take place with her and on 05 May she will give a guest lecture. She will also participate in the colloquium programme this week.

The SFB in the media

Marlen van den Ecker was a guest at the Weizenbaum Forum of the Weizenbaum Institute as an expert on intellectual property, on the topic: Beyond Reality - Metaverse and the Platform Society. In the podcast, the following questions, among others, are clarified: What is the metaverse all about? What are the effects of the metaverse on society, democracy, the rule of law and the economy.

Call for Papers

For the workshop “Property and Property Policies in the German Empire and the Weimar Republic” by TP A04.
For information on the guiding questions of the workshop, as well as on how to submit abstracts, please see the following link.

Deadline: 30.04.2023

Guest Essay by Silke van Dyk in Frankfurter Rundschau

The fundamental patterns of distributive, property, and infrastructural policies entail a "redistribution from the bottom to the top," Silke van Dyk observes in her guest essay.

Event information “Questions of Socialization”

Mini-Workshop organised by Jacob Blumenfeld.
The question concerning the socialization of housing, energy, transportation, health care, and the workplace has returned to the political debate in Germany and beyond. But what is the theoretical background to this concept of socialization?
To receive the papers and attend the workshop, please register:

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New publication

Obsolete intellectual property rights vs. progressive values. Marlen van den Ecker reviews law scholar Jessica Silbey’s new book on intellectual property for Soziopolis.

“Open Letter on academic freedom and BDS in Germany”

A Response of the Extended Board of the Collaborative Research Centre


Participation of the SFB in EASR2023

Sofia Bianchi Mancini is one of the initiators of the panel “Communication Techniques in Ancient Mediterranean Ritual Practices: Establishing a Relation with the Superhuman” at the upcoming EASR 2023 conference. For more information on the panel and the related paper, please follow the link below.

New podcast episode Appropriate

In the new episode, possibilities and challenges of communalisation and socialisation are discussed from different perspectives.

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Call for Papers

For the international workshop “Local self-governance and urban property relations: Historical and present perspectives” of subprojects B07 and C04, 26-27 October 2023 in Jena. Deadline for submissions: 31.03.2023. Further information can be found here.

New publication

Subproject B06 has published a new journal article “Financial Solidarity or Autonomy? How Gendered Wealth and Income Inequalities Influence Couples' Money Management” in Social Inlcusion 11(1). The article is available via open access.

New podcast episode Appropriate

In the third episode of our mini-series about Global Commons, we hear from Megan Blomfield about Carbon Sink as a Global Commons. 

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New publication

Silke van Dyk has published a new article in Kurswechsel entitled “(De-)Privatisation and Collective Property. From the narrowing of the distribution question to a new politics of the public”.


New Episode of Appropriate

Part 2 of the mini-series on the global commons is now available. In the second episode, Isabel Feichtner talks about the deep seabed as a special form of the global commons.

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Event report

to the cooperation event “Mein? Dein? Unser? Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf die Bedeutung des Eigentums für die sozial-ökologische Transformation”.


Max Weber Prize for Young Researchers

Sisi Sung has been awarded the Max Weber Prize for her doctoral thesis “The Economics of Gender in China. Women, Work and the Glass Ceiling”.

New podcast episode “appropriate”

Part 1 of the mini-series on global commons and theirs is now available. In the first episode, Daniel Lambach gives an overview of three different domains of global commons.

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