
Leibniz Prize for Hartmut Rosa

Hartmut Rosa is one of the winners of the Leibniz Prize awarded by the DFG. The award is endowed with 2.5 million euros and is considered the most prestigious German research funding prize. Further information here.

Event information

Agnieszka Althaber & Kathrin Leuze invite you to the research colloquium „Paare soziologisch“. Title: "Einigkeit in Geldfragen? Quantitative Forschungsergebnisse zu Eigentumsungleichheiten und der Geldverwaltung von Paaren in Ost- und Westdeutschland". Date/ Place: Wednesday, 8 February 2022.

New publication

Martin Mulsow has published a new book with Suhrkamp Verlag entitled "Überreichweiten. Perspektiven einer globalen Ideengeschichten".

The SFB in the media

Hartmut Rosa was a guest on "Jung und Naiv" and spoke with Tilo Jung about his career and youth, religion and God, his path to sociology, his resonance theory, the end of the capitalist system, the resistance to turn away from the growth compulsion, the accelerated society and our permanent discontent, the economic class and neoliberalism, consequences for democracy, the role of religion, alternatives to capitalism and how we get to "system change".

The SFB in the media

Marlen van den Ecker has written a commentary in the FAZ on plagiarism and intellectual property from a sociological perspective.

The SFB in the media

Stefan Schmalz discusses in Jacobin Magazine the participation of the Chinese state-owned company COSCO in a terminal in the port of Hamburg and takes a critical look at the private ownership.

New publication

Agnieszka Althaber's dissertation has been published as a book entitled "Teilzeitarbeit im Lebensverlauf von Männern. On the occupational structuring of transitions and consequences" by Budrich Verlag (PDF as open access).

Newly published: Multiple Crises, the Primacy of Property, and the Question of Transformation.

Silke van Dyk has written a literature essay on "Owning the Future. Power and Property in an Age of Crisis" by Buller and Lawrence for Soziopolis.

Tilman Reitz in an interview with nd

New attention to property issues. Click here for the interview.

„Was meins ist, soll auch deins sein!? - Eigentum in ent/polarisierten Paarwelten“

Click here for the report about the DGS ad hoc group of Sylka Scholz and Robin Saalfeld.

SFB Annual Conference

The SFB Annual Conference 2022 is coming soon! On 4 and 5 October the time has come. We are looking forward to great talks and excellent guests on "Contested Concepts of Property". Click here for the programme.

Einladung zum Dialograum, 4.-5.10. UHG Jena

Ownership obliges - but who? We would like to discuss these and other questions with you in the context of an art exhibition. Find out more under the following link.

Event: "Wohnen, Wasser und Energie als öffentliche Infrastrukturen - Kommunalisieren, Vergesellschaften, Enteignen?"

As part of the SFB's annual conference, a roundtable discussion with guests from civil society, politics and science will take place on 5 October at 6 pm in the Paradiescafe Jena.

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"Der Stand der Dinge. Theorien der Aneignung und des Gebrauchs"

Together with Jan Beuerbach and Kathrin Sonntag (Leipzig), Amelie Stuart has edited the anthology of the same name. It contains contributions by SFB members Christoph Henning and Niklas Angebauer, among others.

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Participation of the SFB at the DGS Congress in Bielefeld

The SFB participates at the 41st Congress of the German Sociological Association (26-30 September).


Privateigentum auf dem Prüfstand. Fünf Vorträge mit Diskussion zur aktuellen Eigentumsfrage

Event note: Silke van Dyk will give a lecture on the topic at the conference "Private Property on the Test Stand" on 17 September: „Wem gehört das Öffentliche?“. You can find the flyer for the conference here

“De-Privatizing Municipal Services and Public Infrastructures: Instituting the Urban Commonfare?“

Silke van Dyk and Markus Kip organise and moderate three panels at the conference "Ordinariy Cities in Exceptional Times".

New podcast episode “Appropriate“

In the fifth episode of our podcast Eduardo Relly talks with Petra Gümplová about "Blood Oil Commodities".

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The Economics of Gender in China

Sisi Sung's dissertation (published by Routledge) is now available via open access.

New podcast episodes of the SFB-podcast appropriate online

The three new episodes are a mini-series about the topic of social property.

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„Die Super League ist noch nicht vom Tisch“

Mike Geppert was interviewed by the Börsenzeitung on ownership in European football.

„Access to Labor and Leisure in Cars: Early Black Motorists’ Automotivity in Miami“

Helen Gibson has published a new article.

Diskursᶟ – „Sharing is Caring – Ist Teilen das neue Haben?“

Henrike Katzer lectures in Jena on the topic of car sharing.

„Im Schatten des Commons: Soziales Kapital, Umwelt und die Deutsche Auswanderung im Südbrasilien“

Eduardo Relly has published a new book in Brazil (in Portuguese).

Der Streit um das Wohnen

Eine Interviewreihe anlässlich des Berliner Volksentscheids, veröffentlicht von Teilprojekt A07 im Online-Magazin Soziopolis.

launch of first podcast episode of the new sfb podcast

The first podcast episode is now available. The topic of the episode is conflicts around sustainable mobility.

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Teilen als Alternative – zu was? Teil 1: Ambivalenzen der Sharing Economy am Beispiel von Autos

A new blogpost (in German) is online. Author: Christoph Henning.

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The start of the semester is coming up!

The programme for the semester kick-off is online now.

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