Making things available: Ownership as an incarnation of our relationship with the world


The project is based on the insight that ownership plays an important role in the establishment and reproduction of our understanding of things, society and ourselves. It applies qualitative and empirical methods to various practices of the sharing economy to examine whether new forms of ownership and alternative concepts alter that understanding.

Assuming a hybrid field with ‘old’ and ‘new’ practices and following a sociology of our relationship to the world, the researchers aim to determine the transformational and reproductive potential inherent to forms of and alternatives to ownership.

Project activities

The sub-project C06 in the person of Jörg Öberthür is involved in the project "Nucleus Jena, Transfer. Regional.Nachhaltig.". Here, research is being conducted on sharing concepts and the transfer of knowledge and ideas in relation to sustainability. The focus here is on the cooperation of entrepreneurial, social and university actors.


  • Reckwitz, Andreas; Rosa, Hartmut (2021): Spätmoderne in der Krise. Was leistet die Gesellschaftstheorie?, Suhrkamp.
  • Katzer, Henrike, Janzing, Malte, Henning, Christoph, Oberthür, Jörg and Rosa, Hartmut (2024): “Wenn alles auf den Tisch kommt – Die Weltbeziehungen der Homesharer werden in der Küche verhandelt”, In: Zeitschrift für Soziologie 53 (3), 264-280,
  • Henning, Christoph (2023): “Values of Exchange, Values of Sharing”, In: Bettina Hollstein, Hartmut Rosa, Jörg Rüpke (eds.): ‘Weltbeziehung’: The Study of our Relation to the World, Frankfurt/M.: Campus 2023, 235-258.
  • Rosa, Hartmut (2023a): “Property as the Modern Form of Weltbeziehung: Reflections on the structural change of possessive forms of relating to the world”, In: B. Hollstein, H. Rosa, J. Rüpke (eds.): "Weltbeziehung". The Study of our Relationship to the World, Campus, S. 19- 35.
  • Rosa, Hartmut (2023b): "Resonance As a Medio-Passive, Emancipatory and Transformative Power: A Reply to My Critics“; In: The Journal of Chinese Sociology; vol. 10; DOI: 10.1186/s40711-023-00195-4
  • Henning, Christoph (2022): "Eigentum als Gegen-Natur: Entfremdungs- und Ideologiekritik am Beispiel des Privateigentums“, In: Nachtwey, O.; Thaa, H.; Ivanova, M. (eds.): Kapitalismus und Kapitalismuskritik, Frankurt/M.: Campus 2022, 89-114.
  • Rosa, Hartmut; Arthur Bueno & Christoph Henning (eds.) (2021): Critical Theory & New Materialisms, New York/London: Routledge.
Media and Podcasts


  • Bönnighausen, Helen: Ownership, Spacing and Community Spirit: How Energy Sharing is changing Our Relationship to the World. Lecture as part of the Science Technology and Society Conference Graz 2024, 7 May 2024, TU Graz
  • Janzig, Malte: "Playlistkuration statt Plattensammlung? Praktiken der Musikanverwandlung beim Musikstreaming.“ lecture as part of the conference of the Sociology and Social History of Music Section 2024 of the Society for Music Research, 5 April 2024, Anton Bruckner Private University Linz
  • Henning, C.; Bönnighausen, H.: „'Unser Strom', oder Eigentum das man nicht anfassen kann. Warum das Teilen von Energie so schwer fällt“, as part of the workshop "Energiekrise, Eigentum und Daseinsvorsorge - das Energiesystem im Wandel", 29 February 2024, CRC "Structural Change of Property", Universities Jena and Erfurt.
  • Henrike Katzer: “Häuslichkeit: Spätmoderne Praktiken des Wohnraumteilens”, Annual Conference of the Women's and Gender Studies Section of the German Sociological Association, Osnabrück. (17.11.2023)
  • Janzing, Malte: Input presentation at the Nucleus information event and project fair“Das transformative Potenzial des Teilens” (TV 2.9), online. (25.10.2023)
  • Katzer, Henrike: “Paare im Spiegel der Gastfreundlichkeit. Fürsorgeverhältnisse im Homesharing”, lecture at the research colloquium of the departments Qualitative Methods and Microsociology & Methods of Empirical Social Research and Social Structure Analysis “Paare soziologisch. A qualitative and quantitative liaison”, Friedrich Schiller University Jena. (11.01.2023)
  • Henrike Katzer: “Sharing is Caring – Ambivalenzen der Sharing Economy”, opening lecture and participation in the panel discussion as part of the event series “Diskursᶟ - Sharing is Caring: Ist Teilen das neue Haben?” organised by Nucleus Jena (June 2022).
  • “Sharing Spaces – Digitale (Gruppen-)Interviews und qualitative Auswertungsmethoden im Teilprojekt Dinge verfügbar machen”, lecture by Jörg Oberthür and Henrike Katzer as part of the methods workshop “Eigentum erforschen. Forschungsdesigns und erste Felderfahrungen im SFB/Transregio Strukturwandel des Eigentums” at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (March 2022).


  • Sharing Symposium “Mit Hochschulen auf dem Weg zur sozial-ökologischen Transformation”, Organisation, keynote, contributions and lectures, Jena (24. -25.11.2024)  
  • Lecture at the Jena Social Theory Colloquium by Thomas Widlok: “Teilen in großem Maßstab. Grenzen und Möglichkeiten”, Jena. (05.07.2023)
  • Workshop with sub-project C07 of the Collaborative Research Centre 1265: “Wohnraumteilen oder -vermarkten: Was verändert sich durch Airbnb und co?”, Jena. (29.06.2023)
  • Lecture on the field of music streaming at the Jena Social Theory Colloquium by Patrick Vonderau: “Die Grenzen digitaler Märkte: Perspektiven der Media Industry Studies”, Jena. (18.01.2023)
  • Workshop on car sharing with Weert Canzler, Jena. (24.11.2022)

Project Staff