
Appropriate – der Podcast

APPROPRIATE erforscht verschiedene Dimensionen von Eigentum, seine politische Dynamik und die sozialen Auswirkungen und wagt sich an das Nachdenken über Alternativen zum Eigentum. APPROPRIATE bringt Forscher*innen aus verschiedenen Disziplinen, Aktivist*innen und politische Entscheidungsträger*innen zusammen, um ihre Perspektiven zu einem breiten Spektrum von Themen zu diskutieren, darunter die Sharing Economy, urbane Commons, Wohnen, natürliche Ressourcen, Reproduktionsmedizin und Bioökonomie. APPROPRIATE ist der Podcast des Sonderforschungsbereichs "Strukturwandel des Eigentums" der Universitäten Jena und Erfurt (SFB TRR 294).
Musik: CC BY-SA, Song Paper Tiger's Grip by Mid-Air Machine   

Bei Fragen oder Beiträgen zum Podcast bitte an appropriate_podcast@protonmail.com schreiben! 




Der Trailer gibt einen kleinen Einblick in das Vorhaben des Podcasts und seine Themen. 

Trailer zum Podcast

Property, Commons and the Common

Part III of “Future of Social Rights” series

In the last episode of our mini-series about the future of social rights, Massimo de Angelis speaks about the meaning of ownership for the commons. He connects the notion of property, commons and the common with special regard to needs for social change. Massimo de Angelis was professor for political economy at the University of East London until 2020. He is editor of the webjournal “The Commoner”.

Gast/Gästin: Massimo De Angelis

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Rethinking Foundational Economy and Collective Infrastructures

Part II of “Future of Social Rights” series

In the second episode of our mini-series about the future of social rights, Julie Froud talks about the Foundational Economy and its rethinking, adapting and renewing with special regard to collective infrastructures. Julie Froud is a professor at the University of Manchester, UK and a member of the Foundational Economy Collective. Building on previous research on financialisation and corporations, her current focus is on developing the research agenda on the foundational economy. She has been particularly involved in research in Wales where the foundational economy has been recognised by Government, third sector and civil society organisations.

Gast/Gästin: Julie Froud

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The Future of Social Rights – Social Rights as Property? Thinking with and beyond Robert Castel

Part I of “Future of Social Rights” series

The first episode of our mini-series about the future of social rights will give an introduction about the question of social rights as property which is inspired by the notion of social property developed by the sociologist Robert Castel. The speakers are Silke van Dyk, Steffen Liebig and Markus Kip from the Collaborative Research Center.

Gäste/Gästinnen: Markus Kip, Steffen Liebig, Silke van Dyk

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